Stocks/ETFs purchased in August 2020


Hello folks!

Hope all are doing great and ready for the long Labor Day weekend! I am sharing the stocks/ETFs added to my taxable brokerage account in August. Usually, I like to add about $1500 to $1700 monthly to this account, but August was bit stressful. I had couple of sudden medical and repair bills to pay, so added only about $500 to this account. I guess maintain the same investment amount every month is kind of hard for most folks. We are frugal in our monthly spending but once a while either medical bill or some sort of car/house repair just drains out that month’s investment amount. It is what is it! Can’t complain much! But I try not to focus too much on those situations, but rather try to maximize investing in next month. Luckily, contribution to my 401K is at steady rate $1400/month for last one year and my contribution to Roth IRA is completed for 2020.

This August I added following equities in my brokerage.

 I added few Canadian dividend stocks to my portfolio.

TD: This is one of the largest Canadian banks and also owner of TD Ameritrade investment broker in USA. Currently it pays 4.97% dividend with a long history of stock price appreciation. I personally like Canadian banks as they are highly regulated and solid long-term performer.

AQN & FTS: These are the two largest utilities companies from Canada. Both equities pay a dividend of about 3.5% and have long appreciation of stock price. FTS is a large electric utility company with operations in Canada, USA, Central Americas. AQN is more involved into renewable energy production and distribution in North America. Due to constant demand for utilities, I am not anticipating much loss of business for these providers due to COVID-19 Pandemic. Generally, Utilities companies experience less turbulence in volatile market and maintain their dividends.

BIP & CNI: Both companies have large infrastructures in their portfolio. BIP maintains a diversified infrastructure asset in utilities, transportation, energy etc and pays dividend of 4.28%. CNI is solely involved in railway transportation business and operates in most of Canada and some parts in US. Its current dividend is not as high (1.65%) but stock price appreciated very steeply since 2008 from $17 to $103 in 2020.

HPQ, ORCL &  INTC: These three are few of largest IT related companies doing business worldwide for long time. Now that most people are working remotely, I can assume considerable future growth for their business. HP is the largest manufacturer of laptop/computers in the world and having a strong sales demand these days. Oracle is seeing same boom in cloud computing and database business. Intel is the largest chip manufacturer for personal computers, so business is going great as well. Among these, HP pays the highest dividend of 3.76 but stock price is not appreciating likes those other two. I added HPQ mostly for the dividend. ORCL and INTC pay dividend of 1.74% and 2.64%, respectively. Considering market share of each of these three, I feel they are good addition for long term portfolio growth.

K: Kellogg is a household name in most of the world for its food products. It pays about 3.29% dividend with solid business growth since 1980.

VYM: This is one of my favorite ETF with 3.47% dividend. It contains  426 stocks with high dividend yields. Due to pandemic this ETF is bit down in price, so I feel like this is a good time to invest it now. It returned about 11% on average in last 10 years, quite a performer!


Disclaimer: This article shows my personal opinion and it’s for entertainment purpose only. This is no way professional financial advice. You may seek professional advice or conduct own research before investing. This site uses affiliated links and cookies. Please read the disclaimer & Privacy section for details.



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